My name is Alessandro, I am a Ph.D. Candidate in Economics and I work as Impact Evaluation Specialist for the United Nations (IFAD) in Rome. My expertise includes both data analysis (statistics) and data collection (design, field surveys, training). My academic research interests focus on econometrics, development economics, and health economics.
In addition, I am a Freelance Research Analyst and contributed to the publication of various statistical and policy reports on International Trade for the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ICE (Italian Trade Agency), and Confindustria.
Once having graduated, I began my journey as an international aid worker in Ecuador for a cooperation project, and as a Research Assistant afterwards, at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata". During my Ph.D I also served as a Teaching Assistant (Econometrics fro Applied Economics) and as Lecturer (International Economics), further enriching my academic training.
I earned a Bachelor's degree in Economics, a Master's degree in International Economics (both with a Thesis in Economic History and Poverty Analysis), and a Master's in Development Economics and International Cooperation (MESCI), at the university of Rome "Tor Vergata".
Living in many countries during childhood and adolescence shaped my appreciation for diverse cultures and environments, influencing both my career choices and interests.
I love photography and, as an amateur, I am passionate about capturing moments and places around the world, striving to narrate at my best, the complexity of the human condition.